Indicated areas for community forestry development that will be promoted to community carbon forest investment are 16, 7 million ha (based on KpSHK Program on SHK or Indonesia CBFM-Community Based Forest Management Registration in 2005 that overlaid by state forest for land used and forest change map in year 2009). Community forestry that was developed in individual land rights in Java is 3 million ha, and out of Java such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Nusatenggara and Sulawesi that are under social forestry of Government programs are 2 million ha. All was prepared by many stakeholders for catching Forest Investment Program of World Bank and Multy Development Bank, Asian Development Bank and REDD+.
Indonesia terminology of community forestry has many kinds of name, model, and political rights named that are inherent with access rights of local community (indigenous) on state forest area. Community forestry that was implemented in individual land rights is called Hutan Rakyat. Hutan Rakyat is clearly and only in Java. And there is no Hutan Rakyat out of Java. Community forestry that was implemented in forest land where claimed by local community (indigenous) is their own indigenous (communal) land rights is called CBFM (Sistem Hutan Kerakyatan) and for indigenous claim is called Hutan Adat that unrecognized by our government (there is no recognition of customary forest in Forestry Law 1999). Other community forestry are Hutan Desa, Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (for forest estate development), Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKM), Kemitraan (Partnership between community and private sector) that implemented by government permit (Ministry of Forestry Permit). These kinds of community forestry are implemented in state forest area (state claim).
Community forestry will be main target of new investment on forestry sector after many forest industries failed, especially on carbon forest investment where mitigation of climate change compensation (REDD+) and carbon trade are economic focus of many stakeholders in Indonesia. Ministry of Forestry have no big budget after autonomy era for forestry development. Especially, to forward social forestry programs of GoI refer Forestry Law mandate, Ministry of Forestry is plotting REDD+ scheme and World Bank-Forest Investment Program that used for financial support to social forestry development.
Many stakeholders had prepare to catch up fund or grant of REDD+ scheme and FIP-World Bank by proposing their community forest area for getting permit from government (some of the community already have social forestry program permit). Total area of existing permitted community forestry and potential to be proposed are 50.000 ha of HKM, 10.000 ha of Hutan Desa, 1,2 million ha of HTR, 5 million ha of Hutan Adat (potential), and 16,7 million ha of CBFM area (potential).
The reasons of attracted investment on small scale private forestry or community forest that promoted for getting REDD+ grant scheme or FIP-WB are:
- Indigenous groups still on their interest to struggle indigenous rights and get a chance that community forestry (hutan adat) is relevant with REDD+ goal. By Hutan Adat, indigenous groups hope the indigenous rights and existence could be recognized by Government (local).
- Conservation NGO groups change their strategy from promoting carbon conservation area to community forestry (Hutan Desa) area, because our forestry law manages and gives permit to community forestry on mitigation and adaptation of climate changes. This strategy is a first step to get long their strategy that focused on carbon trade (voluntary market scheme).
- Community forestry NGO groups still consent how to extend community forestry that is legal a chance for community access rights.
There is a gap between stakeholders of community forestry with local (indigenous) community on knowledge of climate change issues. If the gap is not eliminated, local community would not be getting direct benefits on this consent. For all attracting investment on community forestry would be needed preparing basic needs how to local community ease to understand all the benefits of community forestry where promoted by all stakeholders become main practices on mitigation of climate change activities or grant scheme.